Comitato direttivo
Giovanni F. Accolla, Franco Cardini, Domenico Del Nero, Giordano Bruno Guerri, Gennaro Malgieri, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Mirella Serri, Marcello Veneziani.
Sotto lo pseudonimo dal suono vagamente bretone di “Mophatère Le Clezeq” si cela in realtà un distinto signore del Belgio fiammingo che ha svolto per molti anni il severo ufficio di magistrato della corte del lavoro in Bruxelles. Il signore in questione risiede ora in Anversa,- il cui porto sullo sbocco della Schelda riporta d’un tratto allo schizzo a lapis di Albrecht Dürer con lo scaricatore curvo, oberato dalla sporta in un teatro di navi, vele, tetti a cuspide -, e ha sempre coltivato nel tempo, ciò forse per compensare la serietà necessaria all’ufficio, le arti, tanto quelle poetiche quanto le figurative.
Mi aveva scritto una lettera, or non è molto, con la quale, dopo l’ennesimo invio di immagini fotografiche dei suoi assemblaggi in legno, e di certi bizzarri schizzi ad inchiostro che vorrebbero essere impressioni e visioni astratte, ricevevo due fogli da una rivistina letteraria belga su cui erano state stampate delle sue poesie.
Per gli assemblaggi gli esprimevo, in una risposta altrettanto corredata da miei scarabocchi astratti, gli oramai reiterati complimenti: le sue sono vere sculture polimateriche che per fantasia e ingegnosità inventiva e garbo estetico avrebbero senz’altro catturato l’attenzione ed il plauso dei futuristi. Mi aprivo pure in qualche educata critica pei suoi schizzi astratti, incomprensibili e per ciò pure inutili in vista d’una decorazione di qualche opera letteraria delle sue, apparse nel tempo sotto le varie forme di racconto, studio estetico, manifesto per una nuova corrente artistica etc.
Per le poesie non potevo che complimentarmi di nuovo. Soprattutto la curiosa filastrocca che qui di seguito voglio proporre al lettore, - calcata su ricordi di quelle che immagino siano state le villeggiature spensierate d’un tempo lontano -, mi aveva davvero fatto sorridere per la grazia narrativa e la bellezza della lingua, non costretta da alcuna metrica ma dosata con effetto sicuro nel ritmo.
Alla primissima lettura del poemetto si disegnano immediate nella mente le vicende d’un gruppo di giovinetti, poco più che fanciulli, i quali, possiamo credere per un attimo in quiete dopo passeggiate, giochi, litigi e tiri più vari, si danno, con intermesse le parole ai bocconi d’una merenda fatta di baguette et camembert, ad una sorta di elezioni molto serie.
Segue al testo d’origine, cui non ho mancato, - come il solito -, di innestare una coppia di variazioni davvero minuscole, la versione italiana.
(Noise Inférieure)
il y a bien des années
on avait coutume d’élire
le gamin au torse le mieux fait
aux lèvres les mieux dessinées
à la peau la plus lisse
aux poignets les plus fins
et pour ne pas faire de jaloux
dépassant l’esthétique
on mesurait aussi
la force
les aptitudes
de la partie en cause
on couronnait alors
l’abdomen le plus ferme
l’oreille la plus sensible
les bras les plus enveloppants
l’articulation la plus discrète
et pour ne pas en rester là
on s’était mis à comparer
les gestes
les paroles
les écrits
ainsi étais-je devenu
tour à tour
le plus élégant des rattacheurs de lacet
l’auteur de la lettre la plus anonyme
le plus musical
des prononceurs du mot
j’oubliais d’ajouter
que les filles
après mûre réflexion
on les avait exclues
du Tournoi Permanent
exception faite
d’une seule épreuve
où l’on jugeait
toutes chambres réunies
la sournoiserie de leurs regards.
In villeggiatura ad Onques-Oncourt
(dipartimento della Noise inferiore)
È un bel po’di anni
che si aveva il costume d’eleggere,
in successione:
il maschio dal torso più ben fatto,
le labbra meglio disegnate,
la pelle più liscia,
dai polsi più fini;
e per non suscitar gelosie,
lasciando da parte l’estetica,
si misuravano pure:
le attitudini
d’una parte in causa,
e s’incoronavano così:
l’addome più resistente,
l’orecchio più sensibile,
il più avvolgente dei bracci,
l’articolazione più discreta;
e per non fissarsi su questo poco
ci si era messi a confrontare:
i gesti,
le parole,
gli scritti,
e così io ero a mia volta
il più elegante nell’allacciarsi le stringhe,
l’autore della lettera più anonima,
il più musicale
dei dicitori la parola:
Dimenticavo di dire
che le femmine,
dopo maturo consiglio,
le si era escluse
da questo torneare permanente,
eccezion fatta
d’una sola prova,
dove si giudicava
a camere tutte riunite:
il più sornione dei loro sguardi…
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Inserito da What is the purpose of the check valve il 10/05/2024 21:14:41 Block Calibrator PVA 2688 used in chemical industry Vibrant Green Hoodie for Women Casual Pullover Sweatshirt Unisex Design for Streetwear Fashion Comfortable Loungewear What are the Main Contents of Post Press Processing Thermocouple Calibration Furnace Lab Equipment Calibration Field Metrology Wells How do Laser Range Finder Module achieves the best measurement results Women's Loungewear 2024 Custom Crop Top Hoodie Set French Terry Zip-Up Jacket with Matching Shorts Casual Chic Blue Hoodie for Women Casual Streetwear Pullover with Minimalist Text Soft Cotton Loungewear Comfortable Stylish Burgundy Hoodie with Fiery Graphic Women's Fashion Pullover Soft Cotton Streetwear Athletic Hoodie Perfect for Casual Box Packaging Digital Hydraulic Pressure Gauge High Quality Loungewear Women's Hoodie Sets Fleece Pullover Oversize Casual Winter Sweatshirt Joggers Comfortable What is the purpose of the check valve
Inserito da il 07/05/2024 14:46:02
2024 Athletic Football-Themed Kids Sweatshirt for Dynamic Blue and Grey Pullover for Sporty Children Dam-use High Frequency Vibrator 4g Lte Extender Vibrant Coral Hoodie with Kangaroo Pocket for Youthful Street Style and Comfort Electronic High Frequency Convertor Mechanical Frequency Convertor 2024 Custom Hoodies Navy and Beige Contrast Hoodie with Pocket Detail for Toddler Outdoor Wear Phosphatidylserine Supplement High Frequency Internal Vibrator without Integrated Convertor RiviK2 MK-7 2000ppm Chic Pink Zip-Up Hoodie and Pants Set for Girls Trendy Soft Fabric Casual Wear Sulfate Monohydrate Phosphatidylserine Anxiety Adorable Cartoon Lion Print Kids Sweatshirt Cozy Cotton Daily Wear for Toddlers High Frequency Internal Vibrator with Integrated Convertor
Inserito da 16 Tons Boom Truck il 29/04/2024 04:20:27 Boys Earth Tone Color Block Tee Stylish Daily Wear Shirt With Trendy Print Soft Cotton Top Girls' Striped Tee With Colorful Bird Applique - Casual Cute Short Sleeve Top Electrical Inductor In Inductor Current Leads Voltage Natural Girls' Fashion Tee - Trendy And Eco-friendly Casual Top For Young Trendsetters Inductance Of Toroid 8000L Water Tank Truck Common Mode Choke Coils 12 Tons Boom Truck Factory Wholesale Streetwear Black Short Sleeve Classic Heather Grey T-shirt For Men Soft Blend Fabric Casual Everyday Fit 6000L Water Tank Truck 10000L Water Tank Truck Capacitor And Inductor Girls' Lavender Basic Cap Sleeve Tee - Soft Everyday Comfortable Top 16 Tons Boom Truck
Inserito da Fashion-forward Sleeveless Polo Shirt For Women Customizable Logo Golf Tennis Attire In Playful Prints. il 28/04/2024 04:03:51
DC MCB Drive Mining Truck 100 T China AC Contactor Supplier and AC Contactor Manufacturer 25 amp breaker Diesel Generator Set 250KW Drive Mining Truck 40 T 125 amp breaker Two-tone Collar Men's Polo Tshirt Cotton Casual Golf Shirt With Logo Men's Cotton Polo Shirt With Contrast Collar Diesel Generator Set 800KW ac breaker Men's Polo Tshirt Casual Short Sleeve Cotton Soft Fabric Plain Pink For Comfort Classic Fit With Pocket Casual Summer Shirt Underground Mining Loader Cotton Polo Tshirts For Men In Assorted Colors Soft Casual Golf Shirt Color Cotton Polo Tshirts Soft Knit Golf Casual Top Modern Light Blue Women's Polo Zipper Neckline For A Sporty Look Soft Fabric For Comfort And Style Fashion-forward Sleeveless Polo Shirt For Women Customizable Logo Golf Tennis Attire In Playful Prints.
Inserito da Firesleeve il 21/04/2024 03:38:47
Knitted Sleeve Compact Reversable Worklight Spotlight Rechargeable New Design Customization High Quality Heavyweight Oversized Screen Print Off Shoulder Women Shirts High Power 800lm Rechargeable LED Work Light Flashlight China Wholesale Multi Color Five Point Star Elastic Cotton Round Neck Casual Top T-shirt Women Tshirt China Customization Logo New Fashion Cute Cat Round Neck Women Tshirt Multi Color Casual Oversized Women T-shirt Factory Direct Supply New Design White Color Casual Women Tshirt Funny Cat Print Round Neck Women Tshirt Electrical Insulating Sleeve Emi Braided Sleeve Insulation Sleeve Cordless CRI 95+ LED Work Light 500lm 3000K and 6500K Powerful High CRI LED Work Light for Car Body Detailing China Customization New Short Sleeve T-shirt Women Solid Simple Casual Soft All-match Women Tshirt Rechargeable 1000lm Heavy Duty Area Work Light Firesleeve
Inserito da il 13/04/2024 10:07:31
Rivet Tpye Boltlss Shelf Warehouse Shelving System Heavy Duty Garage Shelving How to accurately select high quality pho machine What Equipment is Composed of a Complete Drinking Water Treatment System The History of the LED Grow Light Warehouse Steel Shelving Custom Fashion Design Women Burnt Orange Crew Neck T-shirt For Women - Soft Cotton Relaxed Fit Women's Grey V-neck Buttoned T-shirt For Women Soft Stretch Fabric Elegant Fitted Top Women's T-shirt Sophisticated Casual Wear us version emeterm fashion anti nausea wristband Custom Women Tshirt High Quality White Cotton Fitted T-shirt For Women - Design Versatile Style 16 cavity hot ruuner 3 gallon pet preform mold Slotted Metal Angle Colorful Animal Ear Hooded Boys Sweatshirts For Playful Outdoor Fun Wear Vibrant Cozy Apparel Purple Women's Polo Shirt Casual Sportswear Golf Tennis Yoga Can Be Customized With Logo Short Sleeves For Comfort
Inserito da il 27/03/2024 08:10:12
Remote Sliding Door Opener Men's Cotton Polo Shirt Collection Variety Of Solid Colors Soft And Breathable Fabric Ideal For Golf High Quality Polos For Men 1450T Infrared Die Ovens for Aluminium Extrusions 750T Drawer Type Aluminum mould Oven Quiet Garage Door Opener Wholesale Custom Logo High Quality Ideal For Golf Everyday Wear Custom Logo Service Versatile And Durable 1450T Fully Automatic Horizontal Aluminum Hot Log Shear Women's Two Piece Set Casual Crop Top And Shorts In Pastel Colors Summer Streetwear Loungewear Phosphorous Acid 1000T Infrared Die Heating Furnace 1800T Fully Automatic Horizontal Aluminum Hot Log Shear Ferrous Sulfate 325 Mg Urban Indispensable Oversized Men's T-shirt Gray Soft Cotton Material Casual Wear Comfortable Everyday Simple Ferrous Sulfate Folic Acid Sporty Stripes Women's Casual Polo T-shirt Breathable Fabric For Golf And Leisure Casual Sports Attire
Inserito da 48V 8000W-70A MPPT Solar Inverter il 20/03/2024 21:09:23
Customized Autumn Winter Grain Fleece Hooded Zipper Hoodies Women Oversize Sweet Cardigan Jacket Top Hoodies Main Gas Shut Off Valve 48V 7000W-70A MPPT Solar Inverter Gas Meter Control Valve Propane Tank Shut Off Valve Custom New Style Womens Fall Drawstring Blank Zipper Hoodies Casual Oversized Sustainable Hoodie Sweatshirt 48V 5000W-70A MPPT Solar Inverter Oem Creativity Womens Printed Cropped Zip Up Hoodie Oversized Streetwear Jacket Coat Female Streetwear Men Flag Graphic Printed Hoodies Male Fashion Long Sleeve Sweatshirts Women Casual Harajuku Sportswear Hooded Pullover Sudaderas Zigbee Valve Actuator 48V 6000W-70A MPPT Solar Inverter Wholesale Cotton Ladies Blank Long Sleeve Tracksuit Women's Sweatshirt Custom Logo Hoodie For Women 12V 1000W-140A MPPT Solar Inverter Universal Gas Shut Off Valve 48V 8000W-70A MPPT Solar Inverter
Inserito da Electric vans il 15/03/2024 09:08:00
Merino Tencel Fabric Lyocell Tencel Fabric Tencel French Terry Fabric Electric van Tencel Cotton Blend Fabric electric Passenger Vehicles Tencel Fiber Fabric Electric Minavan Passenger auto Electric vans
Inserito da rapid antibody igg igm il 07/03/2024 03:36:33
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Inserito da Solar Panel Black Rapid Mid Clamp il 01/03/2024 08:21:19 Asphalt Tile Roof Flashing Hook L Feet Supermarket Tag Prices 29 Inch Price Tag Pricer Etichette Aluminum Profile Panel Mounting Solar Black Rail 40X40mm Solar Agricultural Aluminum tripod Mounting Price Electron Tag Solar Panel Black Rapid End Clamp Fashion Tag Label Solar Panel Black Rapid Mid Clamp
Inserito da Smart Tuya WiFi Tubular Motor il 19/02/2024 08:53:29 Bi-Voltage Electronic Tubular Motor Standard Window Shutter Tubular Motor Diesel Engine Indicator cock & Starting valve Fuel pump & Fuel pump gear Piston Rod Fuel Nozzle Manufacturers Mechanical Radio Tubular Motor AC Input Bi-voltage Smart WiFi Tubular Motor Smart Tuya WiFi Tubular Motor
Inserito da Rp 200 Graphite il 08/02/2024 04:22:54
Graphite Electrode For Steelmaking Furnace Reflect Sticker Dithiodiphosphoric Acid P2S5 Cas No. 1314-80-3 Phosphorus Pentasulfide Cas No. 1314-80-3 Dithiodiphosphoric Acid Cas No. 1314-80-3 Graphite Cathode Transferring Vinyl P2S5 Rp 200 Graphite
Inserito da Toyota BZ4X il 06/02/2024 10:06:00
Geely Atlas Geely Monjaro Dried Cassia Amomum Tsao Ko Powder Dried Red Sichuan Peppercorn Geely Coolary Toyota RAV4 Dried Black Pepper Dried Anise Powder Toyota BZ4X
Inserito da il 04/02/2024 08:14:07
Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater Men Merino Wool Cardigan Sweater Merino Wool Turtleneck Sweater Half Zip Sweater Men Display Mercedes Bmw Integrated Navigation Bmw F20 Carplay Android Bmw F20 Bmw X1 Carplay Men Quarter Zip Sweaters
Inserito da Wireless Charger Wholeseller il 02/02/2024 06:55:47
Inductive Proximity Sensors Wireless Charging Bracket Different Types of Proximity Sensors Inductive Proximity Switch Inductive Proximity Switch Sensors Desktop Wireless Charging Station Wireless Charger OEM Manufacturer M30 Shielded Proximity Sensor Inductive Sensor M30 Capacitive Proximity Sensor Magnetic Wireless Charger Pad Wireless Charger Wholeseller
Inserito da Silicon Semiconductor il 30/01/2024 06:44:31
Equalizers Optical Integrated Circuits Stick On Woven Patches Integrated Circuit Based Sew-On Woven Patches Ink Printing Hang Tags Microprocessor Integrated Circuit Mailer Boxes Folding Carton Boxes Silicon Semiconductor
Inserito da Head Card Trimmer Line il 24/01/2024 12:54:57
Low Noise Trimmer Line 9A790509300 Ignition Coil Brush Cutter 94860210414 Ignition Coil 4Mm Plastic Baling Wire 94860210405 Ignition Coil 9A160210404 Ignition Coil Single Line Trimmer Head 95860210200 Ignition Coil Head Card Trimmer Line
Inserito da 3x4 Industrial Keypad il 23/01/2024 01:56:59
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Inserito da Self induction Foam Fire Nozzle il 17/01/2024 07:00:47
White Designer Bag Low Expansion Foam Fire Nozzle Medium Expansion Foam Fire Nozzle Wholesale Handbags & Purses OEM Cute Crossbody Purses Wholesale Large Black Tote Bag Fire Fighting Dry Power Nozzles OEM Designer Purses Automatic Fire Hose Nozzle Self induction Foam Fire Nozzle
Inserito da PE Plastic Shopping Bag il 16/01/2024 11:10:47
Natural Algae Yellow Euglena Euglena Protein Dha Additive PE Shopping Tote Bag PVC Handle Shopping Bag Shopping Bag PE Handle Shopping Bag Chlorella Tablets PE Plastic Shopping Bag
Inserito da Spotlight Led il 15/01/2024 20:59:22
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Inserito da Metal / Table Lamps il 10/01/2024 23:52:38
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Inserito da Traffic Light Producer il 10/01/2024 12:44:02
Swing Arm Table Lamp Black Study Table lamp Office Desk Light Traffic Light Sign Led Long Swing Arm Adjustable Classic Desk Lamp Stop Traffic Sign Classic Swing Table Lamp For study Wood Swing Arm Desk Table Lamp Traffic Control Devices Signs Street Stop Light Traffic Light Producer
Inserito da Kraft Box Packaging il 08/01/2024 10:38:07
Jewelry Packaging Box Kids Slide Slippers Sweet Box Packaging Pokemon Card Binder 9 Pocket Card Sleeve Supplier Cute Slippers For Kids slide slippers for girls Sandals for Boys slide slippers for boys Kraft Box Packaging
Inserito da 2 In 1 Hair Straightener il 06/01/2024 00:18:53
Подключаемая клеммная колодка для монтажа на панель DIN-рейки Вилка для печатной платы съемного клеммного блока 20P Cold Air Hair Dryer Hair Dryer Made In China Высокопроизводительная подключаемая клеммная колодка Secador De Pelo Подключаемый разъем клеммной колодки 5,0 мм с 4 контактами Blow Dryer Hair Style Подключаемый разъем клеммной колодки с пружинным каркасом 2 In 1 Hair Straightener
Inserito da Dog Backpack Pet Carrier il 05/01/2024 04:31:03
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Inserito da 1p Tracker il 28/12/2023 14:06:30
Carry-On Luggage Wheeled Travel Luggage Suitcase for Trolley Travel Luggage Automatic Sun Tracking System Solar Tracker System 2p Tracker Tracking Of Solar Panel Suitcase with Wheels PP Lightweight Luggage 1p Tracker
Inserito da Plastic Food Containers With Lids il 27/12/2023 03:30:49
Machine Screw Self Drilling Screw Plastic Bento Lunch Box Stainless Steel Lunch Box Leak Proof Metal Nut Metal Bolt Kids Lunch Box Stainless Steel Pp Plastic Box Self Drilling Screw Plastic Food Containers With Lids
Inserito da 20S 60V 72V 75A Smart BMS for Battery Rental Replacement il 26/12/2023 01:44:36
20S 60V 72V 100A Smart BMS for Battery Rental Replacement Blackberry Leather Duffle Bag Big Leather Travel Bag Brics Leather Duffle Kodiak Leather Duffle 17S 60V 45A smart BMS for Battery Rental Replacement Mens Leather Travel Pouch 17S 60V 45A CANBUS BMS for Battery Rental Replacement 20S 24S 60V 72V 75A smart BMS for Battery Rental Replacement 20S 60V 72V 75A Smart BMS for Battery Rental Replacement
Inserito da Cosmetic Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone PVP K30 il 24/12/2023 20:30:13
Cosmetic VPVA Copolymer PVP VA64 440w Solar Jinko Solar Panel 535w Natural Methyl Glucoside Derivative Methyl Gluceth-20 Natural Methyl Glucoside Derivative PPG-20 Methyl Glucose Ether Growatt Sph3000 Jinko 500w Solar Panel Cosmetic Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone PVP K90 Ja Solar Panel Cosmetic Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone PVP K30
Inserito da PLA Grocery Shopping Bag il 23/12/2023 15:48:00
Waste Plastic Washing Line WPC Extrusion Machine Battery Reclamation PLA Green Shopper Bag PLA Bag Flat Heavy Duty Non Woven Tote Bag Recycle Sealed Lead Acid Battery Biodegradable PLA Non Woven Bag PET Sheet Extrusion Solution PLA Grocery Shopping Bag
Inserito da il 20/12/2023 06:32:22
Instant Expandable Homes 20FT Expandable Modular Homes Scatola con nastro adesivo Macchina di legatura automatica Nastro del legame verde Legatura merci imballaggio Ready Made 20FT Expandable Container Home Living Customized Prefab Expandable House Ready Made 40FT Expandable Container Home Polietilene del nastro del legame
Inserito da 120*120*25 LED Display Screen Cooling Fan il 19/12/2023 18:57:07
Digital Human Mocap Gloves Motion Capture Unreal Engine 92 * 92 * 38MM Car Refrigerator Cooling Fan 150*150*50MM Baking And Cake Cabinet Cooling Fan 120*120*38 Network Cabinet Cooling Fan 120*120*38MM-7 UPS Power Distribution Box Cooling Fan Mocap Gloves Blender Motion Capture 120*120*25 LED Display Screen Cooling Fan
Inserito da Pet Protection Net Nylon Anti-Bird Cat Fence il 19/12/2023 01:31:37
UV-Stabilized HDPE Anti Bird Net for Balcony Electric Vegetable Cutter Stand Food Mixer Countertop Mixer Balcony Protective Cat Net Anti Bird Netting Knotted Net Knotted Knitted and Extruded Bird Netting Electric Biltong Slicer HDPE White Knitted UV Net Bird Net Planetary Mixer For Bakery Pet Protection Net Nylon Anti-Bird Cat Fence
Inserito da 11 0.433 Kv 3 Phase Pole 160 Kva Transformer il 18/12/2023 02:19:21
15 Kva 15kva Single Phase Pole Mounted Transformer Unreal Games 25 Kva Pole Mounted Distribution Transformer 250 Kva Pole Mounted Three Phase Transformer 3d Vehicle Unreal Engine Mmo Game Art 200 Kva Three Phase Pole Mounted Transformer 2d Environment 11 0.433 Kv 3 Phase Pole 160 Kva Transformer
Inserito da Insulated Socks il 17/12/2023 02:30:16
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Inserito da Horizontal Gas Engine il 14/12/2023 01:41:07
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Inserito da Custom Sweatpants il 13/12/2023 01:54:09
Navy Crop Top N9963B FieldFox Handheld Microwave Spectrum Analyzer N9914B FieldFox Handheld Microwave Spectrum Analyzer N9913A FieldFox Handheld Microwave Spectrum Analyzer Custom Sweatpants Custom Sweatpants
Inserito da Cvc T Shirt For Men il 11/12/2023 16:04:24
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Inserito da Li-Ion Battery il 10/12/2023 15:16:15
Aluminum MID & End Clamp for Ground Or Flat Rooftop Solar Support Bracket for Solar Panel Solar Panel Charge Controller PV Panel Mounting Metal Roof System Standing Seam Roof Hook Clamp/Aluminum Solar Clamp Mono Solar Panel Aluminum Photovoltaic System Solar Panel Roof Mounting Accessories Mid End Clamps Li-Ion Battery
Inserito da Welded Mesh Fence il 05/12/2023 06:43:10
Security Mesh Screen Door Stainless Steel Welded Wire Mesh Fast Wire Cable Connectors 5 In 10 Out 923-5 1 In 1 Out PCT-221 Welded Mesh Fence
Inserito da Motor Housing Gear Case Gearbox Die Casting Parts il 05/12/2023 04:16:13
What are the uses of RPET Nonwovens Mini Picker Crane Endo Spring Balancer Manual full spectrum plant grow light flexible clip desk led lamp Fall Arrester Retractable Motor Housing Gear Case Gearbox Die Casting Parts
Inserito da The advantage of Rubber Gasket il 04/12/2023 05:41:47
Egg Tray Molding Machine Toilet Paper Maker Advantages of solar energy storage system Toilet Paper Packaging Machine What are the advantages and characteristics of paper packaging boxes The advantage of Rubber Gasket
Inserito da Scaffolding U Head Jack il 29/11/2023 01:36:11
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Inserito da Caddy Fuel Pump 1996-2003 il 23/11/2023 05:04:03
Beetle Fuel Pump 1999-2010 Pasta per elettrodi per indurimento Beetle Cabrio Fuel Pump 2003-2010 Marchio triangolo gomme Allenamento completo corpo con macchina rematrice Caddy Fuel Pump 1996-2003
Inserito da PCBA il 16/11/2023 13:41:32
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Inserito da 120 Grit Aluminum Oxide Blasting Media il 12/11/2023 18:36:37
Aluminium Oxide Grit Bolt Brown Fused Alumina Price Coupling Nut Square Nut 120 Grit Aluminum Oxide Blasting Media
Inserito da Smart Meter Rechargeable Li polymer Battery Pack il 08/11/2023 02:46:03
Benefits and disadvantages of Cylinder Lock Fat Bike Fat Bike Mountain Bike 26 Sand Grain Powder Coating Neon Balance Bike Smart Meter Rechargeable Li polymer Battery Pack
Inserito da Freeze Slimming Machine il 07/11/2023 05:23:02
Types of Foldable Solar Blanket Body Shaping Instrument Custom white cardboard pizza box What is the best material for the cabinet Vibrating Fat Away Freeze Slimming Machine
Inserito da Car Holder il 12/10/2023 05:30:24
Inserito da China A5 Spiral Notebook Manufacturers il 11/10/2023 03:56:59
Chopsticks Bamboo シャネルスーパーコピー国内発送グッチコピー China A5 Spiral Notebook Manufacturers
Inserito da Smt Pogo Pins il 06/10/2023 21:28:19
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Inserito da 韓国ブランドコピーポーチ il 19/09/2023 03:20:05
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Inserito da Auto Spare Parts Car Brake Shoe Set K 2335 04495 0K010 For Toyota Hilux il 14/09/2023 01:34:30
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Inserito da ブランドコピー il 10/09/2023 09:16:58
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Inserito da Twin Shaft Mixer Concrete il 07/09/2023 05:42:00
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Inserito da スーパーコピー時計届かない il 05/09/2023 03:52:36
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Inserito da Absorbent Pet Underpad il 21/08/2023 03:07:45
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Inserito da Capsuline Capsules il 16/08/2023 11:35:19
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Inserito da Reverse Umbrella il 16/08/2023 07:13:59
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Inserito da Rolled Gold Jewellery Wholesale il 13/08/2023 03:56:30
Inserito da Double Opening Sandwich Bag il 08/08/2023 05:26:43
Inserito da Diesel Nozzle DLLA134P180 il 03/08/2023 09:50:36
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Inserito da In-House Environmental 280TPH Asphalt Mixing Plant il 02/08/2023 05:56:07
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Inserito da 3hp Copeland Refrigeration Compressor il 01/08/2023 17:57:12
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Inserito da 50TPH Stationary Asphalt Mixing Plant il 31/07/2023 13:01:06
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Inserito da Mosaic Tile Company il 28/07/2023 19:42:34
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Inserito da Around The Neck Fan il 28/07/2023 01:47:20
Inserito da サイズ靴スーパーコピーパネライスーパーコピー il 27/07/2023 11:27:23
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Inserito da スーパーコピーブランドバッグ il 26/07/2023 13:19:28
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Inserito da 6N0615301D il 25/07/2023 05:06:19
Inserito da Academy International il 19/07/2023 13:46:30
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Inserito da Elektrische Step il 18/07/2023 07:38:30
Inserito da ブランドスーパーコピー無料掲示板のぴこばん il 18/07/2023 01:12:00
Top Hammer Casing System Industrial Plastic Bags ブランドスーパーコピー無料掲示板のぴこばん
Inserito da FBS 10-4 Spring Clamp Terminal Block , Compression Terminal Block Plug In Bridge il 15/07/2023 13:09:09
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Inserito da ルイヴィトン韓国スーパーコピー時計級品専門店 il 15/07/2023 03:47:23
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Inserito da ブランドコピー激安安心 il 12/07/2023 19:22:17
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Inserito da Original Wood Flooring il 11/07/2023 21:55:39
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Inserito da Din Rail IEC 800V 57A JST 6 Spring Cage Terminal Block il 06/07/2023 23:31:54
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Inserito da Compostable Ziplock Bags il 04/07/2023 21:22:53
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Inserito da Greenhouse Lock Spring il 03/07/2023 05:44:17
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Inserito da Rugged Mobile il 02/07/2023 07:08:45
Inserito da Business Casual Bag il 30/06/2023 03:42:05
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Inserito da H07Z-U(Solid CU LSZH) il 28/06/2023 11:42:55
Inserito da Fiberglass French Doors il 26/06/2023 05:35:07
Inserito da Multifunctional facial Beauty Instrument il 24/06/2023 23:47:42
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Inserito da Diamond Core Drill Bit For Stone il 24/06/2023 01:56:12
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Inserito da ロレックス時計スーパーコピーブランド il 18/06/2023 03:49:22
Inserito da Large Wooden Dog House il 17/06/2023 07:39:26
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Inserito da スーパーコピー時計故障 il 09/06/2023 11:09:33
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Inserito da Jungen Benny Niedrige Hausschuhe il 06/10/2020 05:05:19
Y1893. Desert Boots Femme Happyplus1 Vintage Portafoglio per Uomo. Portafoglio da Uomo Corto Classico da Uomo. Borsa da Portamonete Vintage per Il Tempo Libero Elegante Casual Mini Porta Carte Portamonete Borsa 700ml vodka bottle adidas Tubular Viral W - S75914 2020 Zapatillas De Deporte De Malla Transpirable De Verano Zapatos De Hombre Zapatos Cómodos Antideslizantes para Hombre Mocasines Calzado Informal para Caminar Jungen Benny Niedrige Hausschuhe
Inserito da Anshan Normal College il 04/10/2020 23:19:48
Borsa da lavoro alla moda Alberi di bambù Montagne del sole rosso Borse a tracolla tradizionali carine 10 x 8 pollici Borsa da viaggio in pelle leggera PU con tracolla lunga per le donne Jungen Emil Schneestiefel Pantuflas de invierno para hombre y mujer. con espuma viscoelástica. cómodas. antideslizantes. para interior y exterior PUMA Baskets Cali-0 vintage YANG Sèche-Chaussures Electrique et Stériliser Les Chaussures 150W Stérilisation Désodorisant Séchage pour Chaussures en Cuir en Tissu Bottes Bottes de Pluie Gants.White.- Anshan Normal College
Inserito da Shaw sandalia para mujer il 04/10/2020 19:47:18
Damen 574v2 Sneaker. rot Cyclic Siloxanes USB Rechargeable LED Light Up Roller Chaussures à roulettes Skate Sneaker Chaussures pour Gar?ons Filles Enfants Anniversaire Thanksgiving No?l Cadeau avec Chaussette Nike Air Vapormax Chukka Slip - US 10.5 Mode Xt. Scarpe da Ginnastica Donna Shaw sandalia para mujer
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Richelieu Femme Damen Sandalen schwarz schwarz One Size Customized Aqua House adidas Originals ZX 2K 4D Trainers CHUANGJIE Algodón Zapatillas hogar/Invierno Gruesa de algodón se?oras de Remolque/Deslizadores de Interior - Suela Antideslizante.A.38/39 Nstqlzh Oxfords for Gli Uomini delle Nappe Mocassini Infilare Cuoio Suola di Gomma a Punta Brunito Stile Anti-Skid Perforato Embossed` (Color : Yellow. Size : 37 EU)
Inserito da Scarpe Moda Stivaletti Scarponcini Biker bi-Materiale Classic Donna Perla Metallico Multi-Briglia Tacco a Blocco 3.5 CM Foderato di Pelliccia il 04/10/2020 03:24:58
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Inserito da Damen (75mm) Karena Pumpe. 75 mm il 03/10/2020 21:17:21
Stivali da Neve Donna Trekking Scarponcini da Invernali Antiscivolo A Passeggio. Scarpe Inverno Outdoor Nike Unisex Exp-X14 QS Running Shoe P5126478 Sneakers Man 24 Gauge Stainless Steel Wire bolso de las mujeres. bolso de mano.bolso de hombro. shopper GL012 Damen (75mm) Karena Pumpe. 75 mm
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Inserito da Winterschuhe Damen Schneeschuhe Warme Schneestiefel gefütterte Outdoor-Stiefel Wanderschuhe il 03/10/2020 01:57:28
325563505800. Sneaker Infilare Uomo Bruno Marc Baskets Mode Homme Nike W Air Huarache Run Ultra BR. Women’s Trainers Bonny. Botas para Hombre Tire Pyrolysis To Oil Winterschuhe Damen Schneeschuhe Warme Schneestiefel gefütterte Outdoor-Stiefel Wanderschuhe
Inserito da Escaper SL V Inf. Zapatillas Unisex Ni?os il 02/10/2020 16:53:59
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Inserito da Ankeny Mid Hiker. Stivali da Neve Uomo il 01/10/2020 22:48:19
ACCESSOIRES SAC à DOS BUCKINGHAM 10509.02446 Centenarios Freizeit Oxford for M?nner Smoking Loafers Beleg auf PU-Leder Gummisohle Spitzschuh Strass-Dekor-Wear-Resisting Beaded (Color : Black. Size : 37 EU) Comfortable Ladies Slippers Contratempo - Bolso de nailon con RFID de mujer - elegante bolso de tipo ?shopper? en negro adidas Originals Girls’ NMD_r1 Running Shoe Ankeny Mid Hiker. Stivali da Neve Uomo
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Inserito da Mujer Punta Cuadrada Zapatos de Tacón Bajo Talón Grueso Slip on Vestido Bombas il 01/10/2020 09:25:47
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Inserito da T-shirt il 01/10/2020 04:45:10
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Inserito da Clemency Black il 30/09/2020 13:37:22
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Inserito da 1000l Micro Brewery il 30/09/2020 13:33:18
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Inserito da 73001 Fresh - Lona Lona ni?o/ni?a. Adaptaction. Adaptaction il 29/09/2020 23:11:00
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Inserito da Mini Hose Clamp il 29/09/2020 09:08:11
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Inserito da Alcohol Antibacterial Gel il 29/09/2020 02:28:07
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Inserito da COTTON JACKET il 28/09/2020 18:53:37
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Inserito da Borsa in tela personalizzabile. Hip Hop lavabile. borsa a tracolla per la spesa da donna il 28/09/2020 06:56:55
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Inserito da Coosa Smart Socket il 28/09/2020 01:22:50
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Inserito da Tendiscarpe Regolabile 5 paia in legno con molla a spirale per uomo e donna il 26/09/2020 09:59:17
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Inserito da 0.5mm End Mill Wholesaler Quotes & PriceList il 26/09/2020 03:54:33
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Inserito da Portafoglio Sottile da Donna. in Pelle. Bicolore. per Contenere Fino a 25 Carte il 26/09/2020 01:41:26
Racerone PS Nylon 1810435. Turnschuhe adidas Pureboost Go J Fitness Shoes Tanaro. Bailarinas para Mujer 1.2mm Pvc Sheet Pétiment - Coussinets de massage en silicone pour la vo?te plantaire - Semelles orthopédiques - Longueur 3/4 - Pour éviter les douleurs au talon - Soins des pieds Portafoglio Sottile da Donna. in Pelle. Bicolore. per Contenere Fino a 25 Carte
Inserito da Lederhandtasche Countdown Seven für Party/Einkaufen il 25/09/2020 21:33:06
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Inserito da Zapatos de Mujer de Verano de Moda Zapatillas de Cuero de Cabeza Redonda Zapatillas de tacón de cu?a Baotou Medias Pantuflas-1_8 il 25/09/2020 19:53:20
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Inserito da boiler accessory installation material il 25/09/2020 03:51:01
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Inserito da 6 Axis Lathe il 25/09/2020 03:35:04
Yoot Pac Nylon. Scarponcini Unisex-Bambini CafePress?–?Yorkshire?–?Naturel Sac en toile. tissu. Sac de courses Bushido II - 46.5 Zapatillas para Mujer Hombre Deportes de Interior Fitness Air Running Zapatos para Correr 6 Axis Lathe
Inserito da Botas De Cuero para Mujer.Botas Martin para Mujer PU Tobillo Costuras De Cuero Negro Dise?o De Cordones Elástico Tubo Bajo Cómodo Tacón Medio Chelsea Zapatos Casuales De Moda para Invierno Oto? il 25/09/2020 03:12:13
Borse a tracolla tonde con stampa a sirena glitter oro Borsa a tracolla da donna Tracolla regolabile in pelle PU e cerniera superiore Borsa piccola Borsa tonda con manico per cellulare Herren Cambridge Black/Gum Suede MS3200252A00-Black-10.5 M US. Schwarzes Wildleder. 44 EU 19 Inch Lcd Network Advertising Player N / A Chaussures de Sport en Plein air Haut Haut antidérapante Wearable et Confortable Football Bottes Football Crampons for Hommes. Pointure: 10 (Color : TF Grey. Size : 5) Botas De Cuero para Mujer.Botas Martin para Mujer PU Tobillo Costuras De Cuero Negro Dise?o De Cordones Elástico Tubo Bajo Cómodo Tacón Medio Chelsea Zapatos Casuales De Moda para Invierno Oto?
Inserito da Herren Sneaker in Wei? il 25/09/2020 01:03:29
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Inserito da XIA Zapatos de mujer Cómodo Moda Fondo plano grueso con zapatillas blancas ( Color : B . Tama?o : EU39/UK6.0/CN39 ) il 24/09/2020 19:58:29
Sweden. Bottes Femme Scarpe da Atletica Uomo China Academy of Art Herren Sb Check Solar Sneakers XIA Zapatos de mujer Cómodo Moda Fondo plano grueso con zapatillas blancas ( Color : B . Tama?o : EU39/UK6.0/CN39 )
Inserito da Pack de lacets élastiques autobloquant 4 sachets 2 sachets noirs 2 sachets blancs il 24/09/2020 09:29:26
Zapatillas de Estar por Casa para Ni?as Ni?os Invierno Zapatillas Interior Casa Caliente Pantuflas Suave Algodón Calentar Zapatilla Mujer Hombres TOYS Herren Sneaker Laufschuhe Sportschuhe Air Turnschuhe Running Fitness Sneaker Leicht Turnschuhe Atmungsaktiv Knit Sneaker Fitness Sportschuhe Stra?enlaufschuhe.C.44 Rain Shoes Covers Waterproof Reusable Rain Boots Environmental Protection Anti-Skid Elastic Thicker Overshoes Shoes Accessories - Sky Blue.L Peking Union Medical College Pack de lacets élastiques autobloquant 4 sachets 2 sachets noirs 2 sachets blancs
Inserito da Porta carte di credito RFID in metallo con fermasoldi per uomo sottile tasca frontale in alluminio porta carte di credito da visita – fino a 12 carte il 23/09/2020 23:18:32
Bolsas ecológicas de algodón / 100% algodón / para mujer / 100% Hecho a mano y producido en la UE Aramid Fiber 06 Milano Sandalo Netz schwarz Absatzgrote Gr??e : 36 Farbe : Schwarz Cafenoir Gilda Sandales Femme Or 39 EU Porta carte di credito RFID in metallo con fermasoldi per uomo sottile tasca frontale in alluminio porta carte di credito da visita – fino a 12 carte
Inserito da 3 IN 1 JACKET il 23/09/2020 21:52:40
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Inserito da Heater with Humidifier il 23/09/2020 17:07:20
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Inserito da Satchel-style Damen il 23/09/2020 15:34:37
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Inserito da Zainetto da donna. borsa a tracolla in similpelle il 23/09/2020 09:08:54
Naturel Grand Sac De Paille Tissé à La Main Ronde Popularité Paille Femmes Sac à Bandoulière Sac De Vacances à La Plage Dames Fourre-Tout Grand Sac à Main Demi-Sac Frauen Casual Sportschuhe mit Rei?verschluss Keil versteckt High Heels 7CM Frühling Herbst Mode Plattform Sneakers Travel Shiny Schuhe 0.6mm Pvc Sheet Women Small Cell Phone Purse Crossbody.Shady Dragonfly Pattern With Ornate Lace Style Ancient Beauty Wings Design Zainetto da donna. borsa a tracolla in similpelle
Inserito da Courmayeur Valley 6in WP CA255A. Boots il 23/09/2020 07:20:09
Wayne SM69812-001. Herrenschuh. Casual. Sneaker zum Schnüren Chicas Malla Zapatillas de Deporte Verano cómoda Malla Transpirable Zapatos Casuales al Aire Libre Ligero Antideslizante Zapatos de Running Planos 0.3mm Pet Sheet WTFYSYN Pistone del Sandalo Uomini di Gomma del.Infradito Traspirante per la casa. Pantofole da Bagno Antiscivolo Men-E_42 Courmayeur Valley 6in WP CA255A. Boots
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Inserito da Pantoufles en Peluche Filles flous Diapositives Dames intérieur Hiver en Peluche Chaussures Femmes Chaussons il 22/09/2020 13:43:54
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Inserito da Gabor Fashion - Botas de ca?o Alto de Cuero Mujer il 22/09/2020 05:35:20
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Inserito da Vinsani - Forme allargascarpe da donna. con 2 modalità di movimento. per evitare problemi di alluce valgo e vesciche. per scarpe di misura da 35 a 39 il 21/09/2020 05:06:23
Zapatillas de mocasín de Espuma viscoelástica para Hombre. Mocasines con Suela de Goma Antideslizante. Zapatos de casa C?ur Chaud – Femme – Mocassins en Cuir Pantoufles Chaussettes pour Homme Peking Union Medical College ZX Flux Women peapnk/ftwwht/cblack Vinsani - Forme allargascarpe da donna. con 2 modalità di movimento. per evitare problemi di alluce valgo e vesciche. per scarpe di misura da 35 a 39
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South China Agricultural University Youth Disruptor II Leather Synthetic Formateurs 1812-3844. Portafogli Uomo HABANA talla unica Damen Summer Slip On Flache Schuhe Pumps Mokassin Fuax Wildleder für Spaziergang Zapatillas de Hombre Verano Madera s Zapatillas de Playa Unisex Zapatillas de Pareja Ligeras Zapatillas de jardín de Secado rápido Sandalias de Piscina para Parejas-Pink_9
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Inserito da Liaoning University il 15/09/2020 23:29:48
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